Ask a Health Professional M-F: 9a-6p | Sat: 9a-1p (715) 582-0898 960 Frontage Road Peshtigo, Wi Paul Farley, PharmD H O M E w N Pharmacist & Owner Question: Should I really get the flu shot? Every year as fall spread of the virus to others. This is season gets into full especially important in settings such swing, a familiar as schools, hospitals, and nursing debate can be homes, where the virus can easily be heard in clinics and spread to many people. Vaccination pharmacios across the nation-do does not completely eliminate the I really need to get a flu shot? The chance of getting the fu, but wil answer to that question is a personal greatly reduce the risk and even the choice for any patent, but in most severity of the infection. Those who cases, receiving the vaccination is a are vaccinated are less likely to be good idea hospitalized due to the virus as well Getting vaccinated for influenza a good financial decision. the flu, is an airborne viral infection The cost of getting the vaccine is of the respiratory system. It is highly minimal and is often fully covered by contagious and can be most easily insurance. Now think of the money spread up untl almost a week ater spent in treating an actual case of mptoms appear. Symploms of the the flu doctor visit, medication to lu include tever, chils, muscle aches, treat symploms, and lost pay due to and taigue, as well as respiratory missed work. That can realy add up Influenza, commonly referred to as is often symptoms such as head pressu ast or stuffinoss and a sore throat. The symploms generally last for 1 or 2 weeks Itis important to clear up a misconception about the flu shot.. you cannot get the flu from the flu Many people can develop serious shot! The shot is not a live-virus complications from the flu including vaccination: it cannot replicate in your pneumonia. Those most likely to system. NOW is a great time to get experience complications include the your flu shot and be protected for the elderly, pregnant women, people with upcoming flu season. Flu season chronic heath conditions, and obese peaks from late December through patients. Even though these groups February, but it can continue all the are at the highest risk, vaccination is way ihto May. If you would like to still recommended for most people protect yourself and those around because of the highly contagious you from the flu, teel free to stop by nature of the virus. Getting vaccinated Hometown Pharmacy in Peshtigo to not only prevents a person from getting the flu, it also helps prevent the find out if the flu shot is right for you