WE SELL FISHING & HUNTING LICENSES Hunters...We have a full line of guns and ammo in stock! Free Mounting & Bore Sighting with purchase of a scope We can custom order guns! We can do Wisconsin pistol transfers We stock: gun cleaning supplies, gloves, calls, black powder guns & supplies, cameras and feeders WALTER'S TrueValue. START RIGHT. START HERE. 2113 10th Street, Menominee | 906-863-2628 Hours: M-Sat. 8-5| SUN 9-3 AMERICAN EXPRESS Mastercare VISA DISCOVER WE SELL FISHING & HUNTING LICENSES Hunters...We have a full line of guns and ammo in stock! Free Mounting & Bore Sighting with purchase of a scope We can custom order guns! We can do Wisconsin pistol transfers We stock: gun cleaning supplies, gloves, calls, black powder guns & supplies, cameras and feeders WALTER'S TrueValue. START RIGHT. START HERE. 2113 10th Street, Menominee | 906-863-2628 Hours: M-Sat. 8-5| SUN 9-3 AMERICAN EXPRESS Mastercare VISA DISCOVER